At Morris Furs, we are committed to supporting and promoting sustainable fashion and environmentally-friendly materials. Our aim is to inform and educate while also respecting individual beliefs and opinions.
Sustainability: the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. The avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
History of Sustainability: The concept of sustainable development was coined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987. This document proposed that our environmental challenge is to meet “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In other words, we should use resources that are renewable, that biodegrade (plants, animals) rather than resources that are non-renewable and do not biodegrade (petroleum-based plastics). The sustainable use of renewable natural resources is based on the fact that most species of plants and animals produce more young than their habitat can support to maturity. The ones that don’t make it, feed others. As part of this natural system, we too can use part of this natural “surplus” for our food, clothing, and other needs.
There are two types of fur used today: wild-sourced and farm-raised.
Wild-Sourced Furs:
The most important North American furbearers (beaver, raccoon, muskrat, coyote, fox) are more abundant today than they have ever been. In fact, furbearer populations would have to be controlled in many regions even if we did not use the fur, to prevent the spread of disease or to protect livestock, property, other species and natural habitats. Modern trapping methods have been refined since 1984 when the Alberta Trap Research facility opened as the International center for trap research and must comply with the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (in Canada) and Best Practices (in the US). Wild furs are, in fact, the ultimate free-range, organic and (for North Americans) locally-sourced clothing material. By contrast, most synthetic materials are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource.
Farm-Raised Fur:
Globally, most fur is now produced on farms. Mink and fox are the most commonly farmed furbearers. As carnivores, they are fed bi-products from our own food-production - mainly fish as they are high in fat. Farmed fur animals recycle these “wastes” from our food-production system into biodegradable clothing material, while their carcasses, manure, and straw bedding are used to produce biofuels or organic fertilizers, completing the nutrient cycle.
The production of fur garments is one of the most benign sectors of the clothing industry today in terms of environmental impact. In fur dressing, organic chemicals are used due to the need to protect the hair. The main materials used to dress fur pelts are either organic or naturally occurring compounds. And unlike other clothing materials, furs are often valued for their natural colours, reducing the need for bleaches and dyes.
By contrast, the fast fashion industry where fake fur and other synthetics are generally made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource, do not biodegrade like real fur.
A well-made mink or beaver coat can be worn for 60 or more years if well maintained. Fur apparel is often passed down to daughters or grand daughters. It can be worn “vintage” or taken apart and completely restyled. And after many decades of use, fur will ultimately biodegrade, returning to the soil.
We are the largest Canadian reseller of Upcycled Fur. We are dedicated to re-purposing garments into refined fashion and home accessories. Backed by a team of highly experienced craftspeople, Morris Furs works to upcycle valuable, responsible and sustainable furs in the spirit of shaping a thoughtful, ethical future.
Our large selection of vintage furs has been professionally cleaned and restored. By keeping these furs in circulation, we are helping to reduce the unnecessary waste created by the fast fashion industry. Any fur garments that have reached the end of their life and cannot be restored are recycled and used to create or repair other fur pieces. Click here to reach our Ecommerce store Shop Vintage Furs to read more about our Vintage Furs.